<ins> means insertion of text in a webpage, and element <del> means deletion from a webpage.
You want to correct the following line in your webpage, where you wrote Tond instead of Bond, James Bond.
Note that <s> element, that is strike-through, exactly displays text like <del> element — only difference is <s> element isn't used for deletion (or say removal) from a webpage.
Attribute <datetime> tells the date and time of insertion (ins) and deletion (del) of content from a webpage.
Machine readable format of <datetime> attribute is: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM-HH:MM. That is Year-Month-DayT(TIME)Hours:Mintues-Hours:Minutes (This last Hours:Minutes is to set Time Zone).
Attribute <cite> means reference, credit, link, or any other information suitable for <del> and <ins> element.
P.S.: We will talk about <time> element later on in HTML Style Elements.
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