If you use any image editing software, you should know the following terms; though it is only the beginning many other things I may try later on.
- 0 darkest; 255 brightest.
- darkest luminance is called - SHADOWS. lightest luminance is called - HIGHLIGHT. in between them is called - MIDTONES
- channels : RED - GREEN - BLUE. red+green =yellow, green+blue =cyan, blue+red = mergenta
- RGB : Red, Green, Blue
- CMYK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
- HSB : Hue (0 to 360 degree, all the rainbow colors are here), Saturation (0 to 100 %, percentage of a color), Brightness (0 to 100, o for whiteness, 100 for darkness)
- png-8 means 8 bits of data to each pixel; png-24 means 24 bits of data to each pixel.
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