She is one of the ten Mahavidyas and supposed to free a person from many problems of live. As Mahavidyas is part of Tantra, a person shouldn’t try them without a Guru ‘coz mistakes in Tantra sometimes comes to one’s life. I’ve heard many stories by word of mouth that people who tried Mahavidyas just to prove their ego (that they can do anything) got terrible results; without a Guru a person gets success in rare cases or when in previous lives he mastered those Mahavidyas and now in this life it is a time just to recap.
Devi Bhairavi is a great protector, and she should be best worshiped as a Mother ‘coz when you consider her a mother, the grace follows automatically (as every mother does for her child) but your love for her should be pure. Her 108 names from Shakt Pramod are for chanting purpose, some people also memories lots of names of their favorite deity — and it’s a good thing to merge yourself in your deity.
English Name | हिंदी नाम
1) Om BhairvYai Namah | ॐ भैरव्यै नम:
2) Om BhairvaRadhYaYai Namah | ॐ भैरवाराध्यायै नम:
3) BhutiDaYai | भूतिदायै
4) BhootBhavNaYai | भूतभावनायै
5) AarYaYai | आर्यायै
6) BrahmYai | ब्राह्म्यै
7) KaamDhenVe | कामधेनवे
8) SarvSampatPradaYinYai | सर्वसम्पत्प्रदायिन्यै
9) TrailokyaVanditaYai | त्रैलोक्यवन्दितायै
10) DevYai | देव्यै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
11) MahishasurMardiYai | महिषासुरमर्दिन्यै
12) MohghanYai | मोहघ्न्यै
13) MaaltaYai | मालत्यै
14) MalaYai | मालायै
15) MahaPaatakNashinYai | महापातकनाशिन्यै
16) KrodhinYai | क्रोधिन्यै
17) KrodhNilYai | क्रोधनिलयायै
18) KrodhRakteKshnaYai | क्रोधरक्तेक्षणायै
19) KuhVaYai | कुह्वै
20) TripuraYai | त्रिपुरायै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
21) TripuraDharaYai | त्रिपुराधारायै
22) TrineTraYai | त्रिनेत्रायै
23) BheemBhairvaYai | भीमभैरव्यै
24) DevkYai | देवक्यै
25) DevMatre | देवमात्रे
26) DevdustVinaShine | देवदुष्टविनाशिन्यै
27) DamodarPriyaYai | दामोदरप्रियायै
28) DirghaYai | दीर्घायै
29) DurgaYai | दुर्गायै
30) DurgTinaShinYai | दुर्गतिनाशिन्यै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
31) LamboDarYai | लम्बोदर्यै
32) LambKarnaaYai | लम्बकर्णायै
33) PralambitPayoDharaYai | प्रलम्बितपयोधरायै
34) PratingiraYai | प्रत्यङ्गिरायै
35) PratiPdaYai | प्रतिपदायै
36) PrantKleshnaShinYai | प्रणतक्लेशनाशिन्यै
37) PrabhavatYai | प्रभावत्यै
38) GunVatYai | गुणवत्यै
39) GanMatre | गणमात्रे
40) GuheShVarYai | गुहेश्वर्यै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
41) KsherabdhiTanYaYai | क्षीराब्धितनयायै
42) KshemYaYai | क्षेम्यायै
43) JagatTraanVidhaYinYai | जगत्त्राणविधायिन्यै
44) MahaMarYai | महामार्यै
45) MahaMohaYai | महामोहायै
46) MahaKrodhaYai | महाक्रोधायै
47) MahaNdhyai | महानद्यै
48) MhapaatakSamhantraYai | महापातकसंहन्त्र्यै
49) MahaMohPradaYinYai | महामोहप्रदायिन्यै
50) VikralaYai | विकरालायै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
51) MahakalaYai | महाकालायै
52) KaalRupaYai | कालरूपायै
53) KalaVatYai | कलावत्यै
54) KapalKhatVangDharaYai | कपालखट्वाङ्गधरायै
55) KhadagKharparDharinYai | खड्गखर्परधारिण्यै
56) KumarYai | कुमार्यै
57) KumkumPreetaYai | कुङ्कुमप्रीतायै
58) KumKumarunRanjitaYai | कुङ्कुमारूणरञ्जितायै
59) KaumodkYai | कौमोदक्यै
60) KumudinYai | कुमुदिन्यै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
61) KitarYaayai | कीर्त्यायै
62) KirtiPraYinYai | कीर्तिप्रदायिन्यै
63) NavinaYai | नवीनायै
64) NirdaYai | नीरदायै
65) NityaYai | नित्यायै
66) NandiKeshwarPaalinYai | नन्दिकेश्वरपालिन्यै
67) GharGharaYai | घर्घरायै
68) GharGharaRaVaYai | घर्घरारावायै
69) GoraYai | घोरायै
70) GhorSwaruPinYai | घोरस्वरूपिण्यै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
71) KaliGhanYai | कलिघ्न्यै
72) KaliDharmGhanYai | कलिधर्मघ्न्यै
73) KaliKautukNashinYai | कलिकौतुकनाशिन्यै
74) KishorYai | किशोर्यै
75) KeshavPreetaYai | केशवप्रीतायै
76) KleshSanghNivarinYai | क्लेशसङ्घनिवारिण्यै
77) MahonmattaYai | महोन्मत्तायै
78) MahaMattaYai | महामत्तायै
79) MahaVidhyaYai | महाविद्यायै
80) MahiMayaYai | महीमय्यै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
81) MahYgyaYai | महायज्ञायै
82) MahaVaanYai | महावाण्यै
83) MahaMandarDharinYai | महामन्दरधारिण्यै
84) MokshdaYai | मोक्षदायै
85) MohdaYai | मोहदायै
86) MohaYai | मोहायै
87) BhuktiMuktiPradaYinYai | भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिन्यै
88) AttattahaasSnirtaYai | अट्टाट्टहासनिरतायै
89) KvanNupurDharinYai | क्वणन्नूपुरधारिण्यै
90) DirghDamshtraYai | दीर्घदंष्ट्रायै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
91) DirghMukhYai | दीर्घमुख्यै
92) DirghGhonaYai | दीर्घघोणायै
93) DirGhiKaYai | दीर्घिकायै
94) DanujaantKarYai | दनुजान्तकर्यै
95) DustaYai | दुष्टायै
96) DukhDaridyaBhanjinYai | दुःखदारिद्र्यभञ्जिन्यै
97) DuracharaYai | दुराचारायै
98) DoshGhanYai | दोषघ्न्यै
99) DamPatnaYai | दमपत्न्यै
100) DayaPraYai | दयापरायै
English Name | हिंदी नाम
101) ManoBhavaYai | मनोभवायै
102) ManumayYai | मनुमय्यै
103) ManuVanshPraVardhinYai | मनुवंशप्रवर्धिन्यै
104) ShyamaYai | श्यामायै
105) SyamTanve | श्यामतनवे
106) ShobhaYai | शोभायै
107) SaumYaYai | सौम्यायै
108) ShambhuVilaSinYai | शम्भुविलासिन्यै
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